November 27, 2013

1 Year Blogiversary!

Can you believe it's already been a year since we started this blog?  We can't!  We've had so much fun trying out new recipes and sharing them with you.  Hopefully we've inspired you all to step outside your cooking comfort zone and try something new, that you've never done before.  We've been cooking 4-5 nights a week in the last year and our skills and creativity in the kitchen have progressed.  We hope you've enjoyed the ride.

We're getting ready for a big Thanksgiving feast tomorrow, and we'll have plenty of posts in the coming days with a recap of everything we made.  But in the meantime, we'll keep this short and sweet.  We've got some great ideas for the next year of posts.  Towards the end of the year, we'll have a Good Stuff Eatery milkshake round-up.  If you live in DC, you'll want to pay close attention to this.  We also realized that just about everyday of the year is some kind of national or international food holiday.  While it would be tough to celebrate all of them, we have plans to celebrate some, so we'll share those recipes with you too.

As always if you have any questions or ideas for the blog give us a shout.  If you have any dishes or cuisines you'd like us to tackle, just let us know and we'll try and tackle them for your reading pleasure.

Most importantly, thanks for reading along.  Without an audience, we wouldn't have this blog.  Happy eating!

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