It was only a matter of time before we attempted to recreate this cuisine at home. We decided to make a jungle curry, native to northeastern Thailand. Coconuts don't grow in that region, so this curry ends up looking more like a broth.
We started by prepping our veggies; some magda squash, globe squash, baby bok choy, and snap peas, green onion, all fresh from the share, along with some white onion, dill and cilantro.
Then we fried up some shallots that would be used as a garnish. Just slice them then, and drop them into some hot oil. You don't have to bread them or anything. Keep your eye on them though. They fry up quick.
From here, we started adding in the squashes, onions, snap peas, and some chicken broth to round out the broth. As everything continued to simmer together, we added in our cubed chicken. Within minutes, the We plated up the curry, garnished with the cilantro, dill, and fried shallots.
It was really, really good, and very different from typical Thai food such as peanut satay. The squashes were especially yummy as they soaked up all the complex flavor from the curry, while the heat didn't overwhelm their nutty taste. I have to was a pretty close rendition to a dish we enjoyed at Little Serow last summer, and much quicker than waiting in line for a table.
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