March 18, 2013

CSA Recap

I know we've been a bit M.I.A. these last couple weeks, and we kind of fell off our Paleo wagon.  But with a new share coming our way tomorrow, we're ready to re-focus and get back on the Paleo train.
Here's what we made with our last share:
We still have an apple, a few green onions, and a couple potatoes left, but I'm sure we'll find a way to incorporate them into some upcoming meals.


  1. I don't know how I stumbled upon you..but so glad I did! Just started Paleo diet, and am loving these ideas! (Wish you'd change your font.)

    1. Thanks for reading along! Good luck switching to the Paleo diet too!

    2. Thanks for reading along! Good luck switching to the Paleo diet too!
